Have you ever gotten the short end of the stick on a deal? Maybe not known some vital information before you shook hands? The same is very easy to have happen with a Philadelphia copier purchase! It may sound preposterous, but did you know that some people are getting B&W prints (mono) counted as COLOR on their Philadelphia copier?! How can this be you say?!
- Grayscale printing uses color toner believe it or not
- One small word or letter in color makes the whole page color
- Defaults make a difference! Double check them!
Take the deal in a new direction and get exactly what you’re shelling out your shekels for with your Philadelphia copier! You can be assured that your Philadelphia copier rep isn’t going to help you understand what you need to save money on little things like this that add up quickly! The Philadelphia copier company doesn’t make as much if you know too much, so turn the light on, get out of the dark, and make your Philadelphia copier actually work FOR you.